2018 entry to Dulwich College is now closed. Please visit our Dulwich College events page for the most updated information.
UK Representatives to Visit Hong Kong
The admission events for 2018 entry to the college began in October 2017 and we were joined by Headmaster Dr Joseph Spence, Deputy Master Mr Iain Scarisbrick and Boarding Housemaster Mr Nicholas Brown. The college representatives came to Hong Kong to speak at our information seminars, chat with prospective families and conducted interviews at the entrance examinations.

Dr. Joseph Spence
Master of Dulwich College

Mr. Iain Scarisbrick
Deputy Master
Mr. Nicholas Brown
Boarding Housemaster
Application process:
Please provide school reports from the past 2 academic years and related certificates and awards
Make an appointment with our Hong Kong representatives
Students suitable for the college will be invited to register for the entrance examinations and interview in October
British Council - Study UK Schools & Colleges Exhibition 2017
Date: Sunday 15th October 2017
Time: 13:00 - 18:00
Venue: The Ballroom, 7/F, Cordis Hong Kong at Langham Place, 555 Shanghai Street, Mongkok

2018 Entry Introduction Seminar

2018 Entrance Examinations

2018 Entry Pre-departure Briefing
C.I.S. Education arranged a Pre-departure Briefing on 13 July 2018, in order to help the new students and their families prepare for the boarding and college life at Dulwich.
The Hong Kong Representative and current Dulwich students (Matthew Lee and Karwyn Chan) shared information about the Dulwich College boarding school life, what to bring, term dates, holiday arrangements and uniform etc.